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Our Values

An important part of attending Glitter and Glue workshops is developing the whole child. Our values are created to ensure a positive experience for all children.

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We do our best

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We encourage

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We care for our environment

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We work as a family

This means we give everything a go. Sometimes art can be challenging or things might not work out as you had planned.


At Glitter and Glue we don't let a challenge stop us! We persist, we change our thinking and we give our very best effort.

Your art isn't going to look the same as the persons beside you, and that is great! No matter what, we always strive to encourage those around us.


At Glitter and Glue we always speak kindly to other artists and try to appreciate the uniqueness of each of our creations. 

Our Earth is such a precious thing and has the ability to both inspire us and provide our art supplies. This means we are careful how we use it.

At Glitter and Glue, we may venture out into the garden to collect items. We will only collect items not currently growing or alive, we will clean up what we've used and we will leave no trace.

Art and craft is such a fantastic way for families to connect and spend quality time together, learning new skills and making memories.

At Glitter and Glue, we work as a family. That means we are inclusive of all and we encourage everyone to get involved... even adults too!

© 2024 by Glitter and Glue.

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